Electrospray Thrusters in Chemical-Electric Multimode Propulsion for Small Satellites | 2025 | Bruno, Amelia R. | |
Deep-Space Exploration Enabled by CubeSats with Staged Electrospray Propulsion | 2024 | Pettersson, Gustav M. | |
Studies on the Physical Structure, Properties and Operation of Ionic Liquid Electrosprays in the Pure-Ion Mode | 2023 | Gallud Cidoncha, Ximo | |
Solid-State Flow Control for Ion Electrospray Propulsion | 2023 | MacArthur, Jonathan | |
Exploration of Planetary Bodies with Electrospray Thrusters | 2022 | Jia-Richards, Oliver | |
Characterization of Ion Cluster Fragmentation in Ionic Liquid Ion Sources | 2019 | Miller, Catherine E. | |
Spacecraft Charging and Attitude Control Characterization of Electrospray Thrusters on a Magnetically Levitated Testbed | 2017 | Mier Hicks, Fernando | |
Electrochemistry of Room Temperature Ionic Liquids with Applications to Electrospray Propulsion | 2016 | Masuyama, Kento | |
Engineering Ionic Liquid Ion Sources for Ion Beam Applications | 2016 | Perez Martinez, Carla | |
Electrically-Assisted Evaporation of Charged Fluids: Fundamental Modeling and Studies on Ionic Liquids | 2016 | Coffman, Chase | |
On the identification and mitigation of life-limiting mechanisms of ionic liquid ion sources envisaged for propulsion of microspacecraft | 2015 | Brikner, Natalya | |
Non-thermal plasmas in flames and other inhomogeneous environments | 2015 | Guerra-Garcia, Carmen | |
Controlled Precipitation of Energetic Van Allen Belt Protons by Electromagnetic Ion Cyclotron (EMIC) Waves: Scientific and Engineering Implications | 2014 | De Soria-Santacruz, Maria | |
Fabrication of High-Throughput Critical-Angle X-ray Transmission Gratings for Wavelength-Dispersive Spectroscopy | 2013 | Bruccoleri, Alexander | |
Development of the Plasma Thruster Particle-in-Cell Simulator to Complement Empirical Studies of a Low-Power Cusped-Field Thruster | 2013 | Gildea, Stephen | |
An Exploration of Prominent Cusped-Field Thruster Phenomena: The Hollow Conical Plume and Anode Current Bifurcation | 2012 | Matlock, Taylor | |
Ionic Liquid Ion Source Emitter Arrays Fabricated on Bulk Porous Substrates for Spacecraft Propulsion | 2011 | Courtney, Daniel | |
Technology Survey and Performance Scaling for the Design of High Power Nuclear Electric Power and Propulsion Systems | 2011 | White, Daniel | |
Two-Dimensional Numerical Modeling of Radio-Frequency Ion Engine Discharge | 2010 | Tsay, Michael | |
Experimental and Theoretical Characterization of a Hall Thruster Plume | 2007 | Aziz, Yassir | |
Experimental and Computational Studies of Electric Thruster Radiation Emission | 2007 | Celik, Murat | |
Modeling of Hall Thruster Liftetimes and Erosion Mechanisms | 2007 | Cheng, Shannon | |
Advances in Fully-Kinetic PIC Simulations of a Near Vacuum Hall Thruster and Other Plasma Systems | 2007 | Fox, Justin | |
A Fully Microfabricated Two-Dimensional Electrospray Array with Applications to Space Propulsion | 2007 | Gassend, Blaise | |
Theoretical and Experimental Investigation of Hall Thruster Miniaturization | 2007 | Warner, Noah | |
Numerical Simulation of a Single Emitter Colloid Thruster in Pure Droplet Cone-jet Mode | 2005 | Carretero, Jorge | |
The Design, Fabrication and Testing of Micro-fabricated Linear and Planar Electrospray Thruster Arrays | 2004 | Velasquez, Luis | |
Numerical Study of Current Collection by an Orbiting Bare Tether | 2002 | Tatsuo Onisihi | |
Studies on the Ion-Droplet Mixed Regime in Colloid Thrusters | 2002 | Lozano, Paulo | |
Simulation and Design of an Hydrogen Arcjet Thruster Seeded with Cesium | 2001 | Robertson, Darrel | |
Fully Kinetic Numerical Modeling of a Plasma Thruster | 2001 | Szabo, James | |
Advanced Propulsion for Microsatellites | 2000 | Khayms, Vadim | |
Hybrid-PIC Modeling and Electrostatic Probe Survey of Hall Thrusters | 1998 | Fife, John | |