PhD/ScD Thesis

Electrospray Thrusters in Chemical-Electric Multimode Propulsion for Small Satellites2025Bruno, Amelia R.
Deep-Space Exploration Enabled by CubeSats with Staged Electrospray Propulsion2024Pettersson, Gustav M.
Studies on the Physical Structure, Properties and Operation of Ionic Liquid Electrosprays in the Pure-Ion Mode2023Gallud Cidoncha, Ximo
Solid-State Flow Control for Ion Electrospray Propulsion2023MacArthur, Jonathan
Exploration of Planetary Bodies with Electrospray Thrusters
2022Jia-Richards, Oliver
Characterization of Ion Cluster Fragmentation in Ionic Liquid Ion Sources
2019Miller, Catherine E.
Spacecraft Charging and Attitude Control Characterization of Electrospray Thrusters on a Magnetically Levitated Testbed
2017Mier Hicks, Fernando
Electrochemistry of Room Temperature Ionic Liquids with Applications to Electrospray Propulsion
2016Masuyama, Kento
Engineering Ionic Liquid Ion Sources for Ion Beam Applications2016Perez Martinez, Carla
Electrically-Assisted Evaporation of Charged Fluids: Fundamental Modeling and Studies on Ionic Liquids2016Coffman, Chase
On the identification and mitigation of life-limiting mechanisms of ionic liquid ion sources envisaged for propulsion of microspacecraft2015Brikner, Natalya
Non-thermal plasmas in flames and other inhomogeneous environments2015Guerra-Garcia, Carmen
Controlled Precipitation of Energetic Van Allen Belt Protons by Electromagnetic Ion Cyclotron (EMIC) Waves: Scientific and Engineering Implications2014De Soria-Santacruz, Maria
Fabrication of High-Throughput Critical-Angle X-ray Transmission Gratings for Wavelength-Dispersive Spectroscopy2013Bruccoleri, Alexander
Development of the Plasma Thruster Particle-in-Cell Simulator to Complement Empirical Studies of a Low-Power Cusped-Field Thruster2013Gildea, Stephen
An Exploration of Prominent Cusped-Field Thruster Phenomena: The Hollow Conical Plume and Anode Current Bifurcation2012Matlock, Taylor
Ionic Liquid Ion Source Emitter Arrays Fabricated on Bulk Porous Substrates for Spacecraft Propulsion2011Courtney, Daniel
Technology Survey and Performance Scaling for the Design of High Power Nuclear Electric Power and Propulsion Systems2011White, Daniel
Two-Dimensional Numerical Modeling of Radio-Frequency Ion Engine Discharge2010Tsay, Michael
Experimental and Theoretical Characterization of a Hall Thruster Plume2007Aziz, Yassir
Experimental and Computational Studies of Electric Thruster Radiation Emission2007Celik, Murat
Modeling of Hall Thruster Liftetimes and Erosion Mechanisms2007Cheng, Shannon 
Advances in Fully-Kinetic PIC Simulations of a Near Vacuum Hall Thruster and Other Plasma Systems2007Fox, Justin
A Fully Microfabricated Two-Dimensional Electrospray Array with Applications to Space Propulsion2007Gassend, Blaise
Theoretical and Experimental Investigation of Hall Thruster Miniaturization2007Warner, Noah
Numerical Simulation of a Single Emitter Colloid Thruster in Pure Droplet Cone-jet Mode2005Carretero, Jorge
The Design, Fabrication and Testing of Micro-fabricated Linear and Planar Electrospray Thruster Arrays2004Velasquez, Luis
Numerical Study of Current Collection by an Orbiting Bare Tether2002Tatsuo Onisihi
Studies on the Ion-Droplet Mixed Regime in Colloid Thrusters2002Lozano, Paulo
Simulation and Design of an Hydrogen Arcjet Thruster Seeded with Cesium2001Robertson, Darrel
Fully Kinetic Numerical Modeling of a Plasma Thruster2001Szabo, James
Advanced Propulsion for Microsatellites2000Khayms, Vadim
Hybrid-PIC Modeling and Electrostatic Probe Survey of Hall Thrusters1998Fife, John