Journal Publications

Monodisperse Porous Emitter Materials for Ion Electrospray Propulsion2024J. MacArthur, V. Colicci, and P. C. LozanoJournal of Propulsion and Power
Design and Microstructuring of Materials to Boost Spacecraft Ion Propulsion2024P. C. LozanoNature Reviews Materials, vol. 9
Electrowetting Ionic Liquid Flow Controller2024J. MacArthur and P. C. LozanoJournal of Microelectromechanical Systems
lnferring Electrospray Emission Characteristics from Molecular Dynamics and Simulated Retarding Potential Analysis2023M. Schroeder, X. Gallud, E. M. Petro, O. Jia-Richards, and P. C. LozanoJournal of Applied Physics, vol. 133, 173303
Multiscale Modeling of Electrospray Ion Emission2022E. M. Petro, X. Gallud, S. K. Hampl, M. Schroeder, C. Geiger, and P. C. LozanoJournal of Applied Physics, vol. 131, 193301
Analytical Maneuver Library for Remote Inspection with an Underactuated Spacecraft2022O. Jia-Richards and P. C. LozanoJournal of Guidance, Control, and Dynamics, vol. 45, no. 4, pp. 611-622
The Emission Properties, Structure, and Stability of Ionic Liquid Menisci Undergoing Electrically Assisted Ion Evaporation2021X. Gallud Cidoncha and P. C. LozanoJournal of Fluid Mechanics, vol. 933, A43
Electrostatic Levitation on Atmosphere-Less Planetary Bodies with Ionic-Liquid Ion Sources2021O. Jia-Richards, S. K. Hampl, and P. C. LozanoJournal of Spacecraft and Rockets, vol. 16, no. 4, pp. 1694-1703
Analytical Guidance for Circular Orbit Transfers with Staging of Space Propulsion Systems2021O. Jia-Richards and P. C. LozanoActa Astronautica, 179, pp. 69-77
Retarding Potential Analyzer: Principles, Designs, and Space Applications2020S. T. Lai and C. E. MillerAIP Advances, 10, 095324
Measurement of the Dissociation Rates of Ion Clusters in Ionic Liquid Ion Sources2020C. E. Miller and P. C. LozanoApplied Physics Letters, 116, 254101
Analytical Framework for Staging of Space Propulsion Systems2020O. Jia-Richards and P. C. LozanoJournal of Propulsion and Power, 36(4), pp. 527-534
Electrohydrodynamics of an Ionic Liquid Meniscus during Evaporatioon of Ions in a Regime of High Electric Field2019C. Coffman, M. Martinez-Sanchez, and P. LozanoPhysical Review E, 99: 063108
Porous materials for ion-electrospray spacecraft micro-engines2017J. Rojas-Herrera, C. Fucetola, D. Krejci, D. Freeman, I. Jivanescu and P.C. LozanoNanomechanics and Micromechanics, 7(3): 04017006
Does spacecraft potential depend on the ambient electron density2017Shu T. Lai, Manuel Martinez-Sanchez, Kerri Cahoy, Michelle Thomsen, Yuri Shprits, Whitney Lohmeyer, and Frankie WongIEEE Trans. Plasma Sci., 45(10), pp.2875-2884
Deep dielectric charging and spacecraft anomalies2017Shu T. Lai, Kerri Cahoy, Whitney Lohmeyer, Ashton Carlton, Raichelle Aniceto, and Joseph MinowChapter in Book: Extreme Events in Geospace, Elsevier Inc., Ch. 16, pp. 419-432
Computational study of glow corona discharge in wind: biased conductor2017N. C. Nguyen, C. Guerra-Garcia, J. Peraire, M. Martinez-SanchezJournal of Electrostatics, 89, pp.1-12, 2017
Emission Characteristics of Passively Fed Electrospray Microthrusters with Propellant Reservoirs2017D. Krejci, F. Mier Hicks, R. Thomas, T. Haag and P. LozanoJournal of Spacecraft and Rockets, 54, pp.447-458
Spacecraft-Charging Characteristics Induced by the Operation of Electrospray Thrusters2017F. Mier Hicks and P. LozanoJournal of Propulsion and Power, 33, pp.456-467
Electrospray Thrusters as Precise Attitude Control Actuators for Small Satellites2017F. Mier Hicks and P. LozanoJournal of Guidance, Control, and Dynamics, 40, pp.642-649
Mitigation of anomalous expansion of carbon aerogels and controllability of mean-pore-size by changes in mold geometry2017J. Rojas-Herrera and P. LozanoJournal of Non-Crystalline Solids, 458, pp.22-27
Structure of the menisci of leaky dielectric liquids during electrically-assisted evaporation of ions2016C. Coffman, M. Martinez-Sanchez, F.J. Higuera and P. LozanoAppl. Phys. Lett., 109(23), 231602
Arc reattachment driven by a turbulent boundary layer: implications for the sweeping of lightning arcs along aircraft2016C. Guerra-Garcia, N. C. Nguyen, J. Peraire, M. Martinez-SanchezJ. Phys. D: Appl. Phys., 49(37): 375204
Spatial uniformity of the current emitted by an array of passively fed electrospray porous emitters2016C. Guerra-Garcia, D. Krejci and P. LozanoJournal of Physics D: Applied Physics, Vol. 49, No. 11, 115503 (12pp)
Spacecraft Charging2016S. T. Lai and K. CahoyEncyclopedia of Plasma Technology, invited article, Taylor and Francis, pp.1352-1366
Localized pulsed nanosecond discharges in a counterflow nonpremixed flame environment 2015C. Guerra-Garcia, M. Martinez-Sanchez, R. B. Miles, A. StarikovskiyPlasma Sources Sci. Technol., 24(5): 055010
Counterflow nonpremixed flame DC displacement under AC electric field 2015C. Guerra-Garcia, M. Martinez-Sanchez Combustion and Flame, 162(11): 4254-4263
Can insulating gaseous layers provide a dielectric barrier discharge effect?2015C. Guerra-Garcia, M. Martinez-SanchezApplied Physics Letters, 106(4): 041601
Trapping of photoelectrons during spacecraft charging in sunlight2015S. T. Lai and K. CahoyIEEE Trans. Plasma Sci., Vol.43, No.9, pp.2856-2860 
Micro-patterning of porous alumina layers with aligned nanopores2013M. Canonica, B. Wardle and P. LozanoJournal of Micromechanics and Microengineering, Vol. 25, 015017 
Alternative emitter substrates for ionic liquid ion source implementation in focused ion beams2013C. Perez-Martinez, J.A. Rojas and P.C. LozanoMicroelectronic Engineering, Vol. 123, pp. 13-17  
Electrochemical Micromachining on Porous Nickel for Arrays of Electrospray Ion Emitters2013D.G. Courtney, H. Li and P. LozanoJournal of Microelectromechanical Systems, Vol 22 No. 2, pp. 471-482 
The role of surface condition in the yields of secondary electrons, backscattered electrons, and photoelectrons from spacecraft2013S. T. LaiIEEE Trans. Plasma Sci., Vol.41, No.6, pp.3492-3497 
Gas-confined barrier discharges: a simplified model for plasma dynamics in flame environments2013C. Guerra-Garcia, M. Martinez-SanchezJ. Phys. D: Appl. Phys., 46(34): 345204
Emission Measurements from Planar Arrays of Porous Ionic Liquid Ion Sources2012D.G. Courtney, H. Li and P. LozanoJournal of Physics D: Applied Physics, Vol. 45, 485203 
The Role of Upstream Distal Electrodes in Mitigating Electrochemical Degradation of Ionic Liquid Ion Sources2012N. Brikner and P.C. LozanoApplied Physics Letters, Vol. 101, 193504  
Visualization of Beams from Ionic Liquid Ion Sources for Focused Ion Beam Applications2012C. Perez-Martinez and P. LozanoJournal of Vacuum Science and Technology B, Vol. 30, No. 6  
Some novel ideas of spacecraft charging mitigation2012S.T. LaiIEEE Trans. Plasma Sci., Vol.40, No.2, pp.402-409 
Electrospray propulsion based on emitters microfabricated in porous metals2011R. Legge and P. LozanoJournal of Propulsion and Power Vol. 27 No. 2 
Ionic liquid ion sources as a unique and versatile option in FIB applications2011C. Perez-Martinez, S. Guilet, J. Gierak and P.C. LozanoMicroelectronic Engineering 88  
Experimental effects of nozzle geometry on flow efficiency at low Reynolds numbers2011A.R. Bruccoleri, R. Leiter, M. Drela and P. LozanoJournal of Propulsion and Power Vol. 28 No. 1  
Fundamentals of Spacecraft Charging2011S.T. LaiPrinceton University Press 
Spacecraft Charging2011S.T. Lai, editorAIAA Press 
Ionic liquid ion sources for silicon reactive machining2011S. Guilet, C. Perez-Martinez, P. Jegou, P. Lozano and J. GierakMicroelectronic Engineering, Vol. 88, 1968-1971 
Some novel ideas of spacecraft charging Mitigation2011S.T. LaiIEEE Transactions on Plasma Science, Vol 40, Iss. 2, pp. 402-409 
Importance of surface conditions for spacecraft charging2010S.T. LaiJournal of Spacecraft and Rockets,Vol 47, No.4, pp.634-638, Doi: 10.2524/1.48824  
Characterization of Conical Ionic Liquid Ion Sources for 2-D Electrospray Thruster Arrays on Porous Substrates2010D. Courtney and P. LozanoTransactions of the Japan Society for Aeronautical and Space Sciences, Aerospace Technology Japan, Vol. 8  
Development and characterization of an iodine field emission ion source for focused ion beam applications2009T. Fedkiw and P.C. LozanoJournal of Vacuum Science and Technology B. 27(6)  
Development of ion sources from ionic liquids for microfabrication2009C. Perez-Martinez, S. Guilet, N. Gogneau, P. Jegou, J. Gierak and P.C. LozanoJournal of Vacuum Science and Technology B. 28(3)  
Dependence of Electron Flux on Electron Temperature2009S.T. LaiJournal of Applied Physics, Vol 105, pp.094912-17, Doi: 10.1063/1.3125517  
On the anti-critical temperature in spacecraft charging2008S.T. Lai, M. TauzJournal of Geophysical Research, Vol 113, A11211, Doi:10.1029/2008JA01361  
The use of ionic liquid ion sources in focused ion beam applications2008A. Zorzos and P.C. LozanoJournal of Vacuum Science and Technology B. 26(6)  
Monoenergetic source of KiloDalton ions from Taylor cones of ionic liquids2007C. Larriba, S. Castro, J. Fernandez de la Mora and P. LozanoJournal of Applied Physics, Vol 101, 084303  
Bootstrap surface charging at GEO: Modeling and on-orbit observations from the DSCS-III B7 satellite2007Krause, L., D.L. Cooke, C.Enloe, G.Font, S.T. Lai, M. McHarg, and V. PutzIEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science, Vol 54, No.6, pp.1997-2003 
Effect of liquid properties on electrosprays from externally wetted ionic liquid ion sources2007S. Castro, J. Fernandez de la Mora, C. Larriba, Y. Yoshida, G. Saito, S. Sumer and P. LozanoJournal of Applied Physics, Vol 102, 094310  
Charging of fast spinning spheroidal satellites in sunlight2007M. Tautz, S.T. LaiJournal of Applied Physics, Vol 102, pp.024905-01 to -10  
Precision Hand Assembly of MEMS Subsystems Using DRIE-Patterned Deflection Spring Structures: An Example of an Out-of-Plane Substrate Assembly 2007Velasquez-Garcia, L.F.; Akinwande, A.I.; Martinez-Sanchez, M. Journal of Microelectrochemical Systems, Volume 16, Issue 3, 598 – 612 
Aspects of spacecraft charging in sunlight2006S.T. Lai, M. TautzIEEE. Trans. Plasma Sci., Vol 34, No.5, 2053 – 2061, doi: 10.1109/TPS.2006.883362 
Analytic models for a spherical satellite charging in sunlight at any spin2006M. Tautz, S.T. LaiAnnales Geophysicae, Vol 24, No.10, 2599-2610 
High-level spacecraft charging in eclipse at geosynchronous altitudes : A statistical study2006S.T. Lai, M. TautzJournal of Geophysical Research,Vol 111, A09201, doi:10.1029/2004JA010733  
Energy properties of an EMI-Im ionic liquid ion source 2006P. LozanoJournal of Physics D: Applied Physics Vol. 39 No. 1 126-134 
A Micro-Fabricated Linear Array of Electrospray Emitters for Thruster Applications 2006Velasquez-Garcia, L.F.; Akinwande, A.I.; Martinez-Sanchez, M. Journal of Microelectromechanical Systems V.15, no.5, 1260- 1271   
A Planar Array of Micro-Fabricated Electrospray Emitters for Thruster Applications 2006Velasquez-Garcia, L.F.; Akinwande, A.I.; Martinez-Sanchez, M. Journal of Microelectromechanical Systems V.15, no.5, 1272- 1280   
Ionic Liquid Ion Sources: Characterization of Externally Wetted Emitters 2005Lozano, P., Martinez-Sanchez, M.Journal of Colloid and Interface Science Vol. 282 415-421   
On the dynamic response of externally wetted ionic liquid ion sources 2005Lozano, P., Martinez-Sanchez, M. Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics Vol. 38 No. 14 2371-2377   
Mass spectrometric analysis of colloid thruster ion emission from selected propellants 2005Chiu, Y., Levandier, B., Austin, R., Dressler, R., Murray, P.T., Lozano, P. and Martinez-Sanchez, M. Journal of Propulsion and Power Vol. 21 No. 3 416-423   
Modeling the charging of geosynchronous and interplanetary spacecraft using Nascap-2K2005Mandell, M.J., D.L. Cooke, V.A. Davis, G.A. Jongeward, B.M. Gardner, R.A. Hilmer, K.P. Ray, S.T. Lai, and L.H. KrauseAdvances in Space Research, Vol 36, pp.2511-2515 
Analytic models for a rapidly spinning spherical satellite charging in sunlight2005M. Tautz, S.T. LaiJournal of Geophysical Research, Vol 110, A07, 220-229, doi: 10.1029 / 2004JA010787 
Charging of mirrors in space2005S.T. LaiJournal of Geophysical Research, Vol 110, A01204, doi:10.1029/2002JA009447  
Electrospray emission from nonwetting flat dielectric surfaces 2004Lozano, P., Martinez-Sanchez, M. Journal of Colloid and Interface Science Vol. 276 392-399   
Ionic Liquid Ion Sources: Suppression of electrochemical reactions using voltage alternation 2004Lozano, P., Martinez-Sanchez, M. Journal of Colloid and Interface Science Vol. 280 149-154