Monodisperse Porous Emitter Materials for Ion Electrospray Propulsion | 2024 | J. MacArthur, V. Colicci, and P. C. Lozano | Journal of Propulsion and Power |  |
Design and Microstructuring of Materials to Boost Spacecraft Ion Propulsion | 2024 | P. C. Lozano | Nature Reviews Materials, vol. 9 |  |
Electrowetting Ionic Liquid Flow Controller | 2024 | J. MacArthur and P. C. Lozano | Journal of Microelectromechanical Systems |  |
lnferring Electrospray Emission Characteristics from Molecular Dynamics and Simulated Retarding Potential Analysis | 2023 | M. Schroeder, X. Gallud, E. M. Petro, O. Jia-Richards, and P. C. Lozano | Journal of Applied Physics, vol. 133, 173303 |  |
Multiscale Modeling of Electrospray Ion Emission | 2022 | E. M. Petro, X. Gallud, S. K. Hampl, M. Schroeder, C. Geiger, and P. C. Lozano | Journal of Applied Physics, vol. 131, 193301 |  |
Analytical Maneuver Library for Remote Inspection with an Underactuated Spacecraft | 2022 | O. Jia-Richards and P. C. Lozano | Journal of Guidance, Control, and Dynamics, vol. 45, no. 4, pp. 611-622 |  |
The Emission Properties, Structure, and Stability of Ionic Liquid Menisci Undergoing Electrically Assisted Ion Evaporation | 2021 | X. Gallud Cidoncha and P. C. Lozano | Journal of Fluid Mechanics, vol. 933, A43 |  |
Electrostatic Levitation on Atmosphere-Less Planetary Bodies with Ionic-Liquid Ion Sources | 2021 | O. Jia-Richards, S. K. Hampl, and P. C. Lozano | Journal of Spacecraft and Rockets, vol. 16, no. 4, pp. 1694-1703 |  |
Analytical Guidance for Circular Orbit Transfers with Staging of Space Propulsion Systems | 2021 | O. Jia-Richards and P. C. Lozano | Acta Astronautica, 179, pp. 69-77 |  |
Retarding Potential Analyzer: Principles, Designs, and Space Applications | 2020 | S. T. Lai and C. E. Miller | AIP Advances, 10, 095324 |  |
Measurement of the Dissociation Rates of Ion Clusters in Ionic Liquid Ion Sources | 2020 | C. E. Miller and P. C. Lozano | Applied Physics Letters, 116, 254101 |  |
Analytical Framework for Staging of Space Propulsion Systems | 2020 | O. Jia-Richards and P. C. Lozano | Journal of Propulsion and Power, 36(4), pp. 527-534 |  |
Electrohydrodynamics of an Ionic Liquid Meniscus during Evaporatioon of Ions in a Regime of High Electric Field | 2019 | C. Coffman, M. Martinez-Sanchez, and P. Lozano | Physical Review E, 99: 063108 |  |
Porous materials for ion-electrospray spacecraft micro-engines | 2017 | J. Rojas-Herrera, C. Fucetola, D. Krejci, D. Freeman, I. Jivanescu and P.C. Lozano | Nanomechanics and Micromechanics, 7(3): 04017006 |  |
Does spacecraft potential depend on the ambient electron density | 2017 | Shu T. Lai, Manuel Martinez-Sanchez, Kerri Cahoy, Michelle Thomsen, Yuri Shprits, Whitney Lohmeyer, and Frankie Wong | IEEE Trans. Plasma Sci., 45(10), pp.2875-2884 |  |
Deep dielectric charging and spacecraft anomalies | 2017 | Shu T. Lai, Kerri Cahoy, Whitney Lohmeyer, Ashton Carlton, Raichelle Aniceto, and Joseph Minow | Chapter in Book: Extreme Events in Geospace, Elsevier Inc., Ch. 16, pp. 419-432 |  |
Computational study of glow corona discharge in wind: biased conductor | 2017 | N. C. Nguyen, C. Guerra-Garcia, J. Peraire, M. Martinez-Sanchez | Journal of Electrostatics, 89, pp.1-12, 2017 |  |
Emission Characteristics of Passively Fed Electrospray Microthrusters with Propellant Reservoirs | 2017 | D. Krejci, F. Mier Hicks, R. Thomas, T. Haag and P. Lozano | Journal of Spacecraft and Rockets, 54, pp.447-458 |  |
Spacecraft-Charging Characteristics Induced by the Operation of Electrospray Thrusters | 2017 | F. Mier Hicks and P. Lozano | Journal of Propulsion and Power, 33, pp.456-467 |  |
Electrospray Thrusters as Precise Attitude Control Actuators for Small Satellites | 2017 | F. Mier Hicks and P. Lozano | Journal of Guidance, Control, and Dynamics, 40, pp.642-649 |  |
Mitigation of anomalous expansion of carbon aerogels and controllability of mean-pore-size by changes in mold geometry | 2017 | J. Rojas-Herrera and P. Lozano | Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids, 458, pp.22-27 |  |
Structure of the menisci of leaky dielectric liquids during electrically-assisted evaporation of ions | 2016 | C. Coffman, M. Martinez-Sanchez, F.J. Higuera and P. Lozano | Appl. Phys. Lett., 109(23), 231602 |  |
Arc reattachment driven by a turbulent boundary layer: implications for the sweeping of lightning arcs along aircraft | 2016 | C. Guerra-Garcia, N. C. Nguyen, J. Peraire, M. Martinez-Sanchez | J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys., 49(37): 375204 |  |
Spatial uniformity of the current emitted by an array of passively fed electrospray porous emitters | 2016 | C. Guerra-Garcia, D. Krejci and P. Lozano | Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics, Vol. 49, No. 11, 115503 (12pp) |  |
Spacecraft Charging | 2016 | S. T. Lai and K. Cahoy | Encyclopedia of Plasma Technology, invited article, Taylor and Francis, pp.1352-1366 |  |
Localized pulsed nanosecond discharges in a counterflow nonpremixed flame environment | 2015 | C. Guerra-Garcia, M. Martinez-Sanchez, R. B. Miles, A. Starikovskiy | Plasma Sources Sci. Technol., 24(5): 055010 |  |
Counterflow nonpremixed flame DC displacement under AC electric field | 2015 | C. Guerra-Garcia, M. Martinez-Sanchez | Combustion and Flame, 162(11): 4254-4263 |  |
Can insulating gaseous layers provide a dielectric barrier discharge effect? | 2015 | C. Guerra-Garcia, M. Martinez-Sanchez | Applied Physics Letters, 106(4): 041601 |  |
Trapping of photoelectrons during spacecraft charging in sunlight | 2015 | S. T. Lai and K. Cahoy | IEEE Trans. Plasma Sci., Vol.43, No.9, pp.2856-2860 | |
Micro-patterning of porous alumina layers with aligned nanopores | 2013 | M. Canonica, B. Wardle and P. Lozano | Journal of Micromechanics and Microengineering, Vol. 25, 015017 |  |
Alternative emitter substrates for ionic liquid ion source implementation in focused ion beams | 2013 | C. Perez-Martinez, J.A. Rojas and P.C. Lozano | Microelectronic Engineering, Vol. 123, pp. 13-17 | |
Electrochemical Micromachining on Porous Nickel for Arrays of Electrospray Ion Emitters | 2013 | D.G. Courtney, H. Li and P. Lozano | Journal of Microelectromechanical Systems, Vol 22 No. 2, pp. 471-482 | |
The role of surface condition in the yields of secondary electrons, backscattered electrons, and photoelectrons from spacecraft | 2013 | S. T. Lai | IEEE Trans. Plasma Sci., Vol.41, No.6, pp.3492-3497 | |
Gas-confined barrier discharges: a simplified model for plasma dynamics in flame environments | 2013 | C. Guerra-Garcia, M. Martinez-Sanchez | J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys., 46(34): 345204 |  |
Emission Measurements from Planar Arrays of Porous Ionic Liquid Ion Sources | 2012 | D.G. Courtney, H. Li and P. Lozano | Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics, Vol. 45, 485203 | |
The Role of Upstream Distal Electrodes in Mitigating Electrochemical Degradation of Ionic Liquid Ion Sources | 2012 | N. Brikner and P.C. Lozano | Applied Physics Letters, Vol. 101, 193504 | |
Visualization of Beams from Ionic Liquid Ion Sources for Focused Ion Beam Applications | 2012 | C. Perez-Martinez and P. Lozano | Journal of Vacuum Science and Technology B, Vol. 30, No. 6 | |
Some novel ideas of spacecraft charging mitigation | 2012 | S.T. Lai | IEEE Trans. Plasma Sci., Vol.40, No.2, pp.402-409 | |
Electrospray propulsion based on emitters microfabricated in porous metals | 2011 | R. Legge and P. Lozano | Journal of Propulsion and Power Vol. 27 No. 2 | |
Ionic liquid ion sources as a unique and versatile option in FIB applications | 2011 | C. Perez-Martinez, S. Guilet, J. Gierak and P.C. Lozano | Microelectronic Engineering 88 | |
Experimental effects of nozzle geometry on flow efficiency at low Reynolds numbers | 2011 | A.R. Bruccoleri, R. Leiter, M. Drela and P. Lozano | Journal of Propulsion and Power Vol. 28 No. 1 | |
Fundamentals of Spacecraft Charging | 2011 | S.T. Lai | Princeton University Press | |
Spacecraft Charging | 2011 | S.T. Lai, editor | AIAA Press | |
Ionic liquid ion sources for silicon reactive machining | 2011 | S. Guilet, C. Perez-Martinez, P. Jegou, P. Lozano and J. Gierak | Microelectronic Engineering, Vol. 88, 1968-1971 | |
Some novel ideas of spacecraft charging Mitigation | 2011 | S.T. Lai | IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science, Vol 40, Iss. 2, pp. 402-409 | |
Importance of surface conditions for spacecraft charging | 2010 | S.T. Lai | Journal of Spacecraft and Rockets,Vol 47, No.4, pp.634-638, Doi: 10.2524/1.48824 | |
Characterization of Conical Ionic Liquid Ion Sources for 2-D Electrospray Thruster Arrays on Porous Substrates | 2010 | D. Courtney and P. Lozano | Transactions of the Japan Society for Aeronautical and Space Sciences, Aerospace Technology Japan, Vol. 8 | |
Development and characterization of an iodine field emission ion source for focused ion beam applications | 2009 | T. Fedkiw and P.C. Lozano | Journal of Vacuum Science and Technology B. 27(6) | |
Development of ion sources from ionic liquids for microfabrication | 2009 | C. Perez-Martinez, S. Guilet, N. Gogneau, P. Jegou, J. Gierak and P.C. Lozano | Journal of Vacuum Science and Technology B. 28(3) | |
Dependence of Electron Flux on Electron Temperature | 2009 | S.T. Lai | Journal of Applied Physics, Vol 105, pp.094912-17, Doi: 10.1063/1.3125517 | |
On the anti-critical temperature in spacecraft charging | 2008 | S.T. Lai, M. Tauz | Journal of Geophysical Research, Vol 113, A11211, Doi:10.1029/2008JA01361 | |
The use of ionic liquid ion sources in focused ion beam applications | 2008 | A. Zorzos and P.C. Lozano | Journal of Vacuum Science and Technology B. 26(6) | |
Monoenergetic source of KiloDalton ions from Taylor cones of ionic liquids | 2007 | C. Larriba, S. Castro, J. Fernandez de la Mora and P. Lozano | Journal of Applied Physics, Vol 101, 084303 | |
Bootstrap surface charging at GEO: Modeling and on-orbit observations from the DSCS-III B7 satellite | 2007 | Krause, L., D.L. Cooke, C.Enloe, G.Font, S.T. Lai, M. McHarg, and V. Putz | IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science, Vol 54, No.6, pp.1997-2003 | |
Effect of liquid properties on electrosprays from externally wetted ionic liquid ion sources | 2007 | S. Castro, J. Fernandez de la Mora, C. Larriba, Y. Yoshida, G. Saito, S. Sumer and P. Lozano | Journal of Applied Physics, Vol 102, 094310 | |
Charging of fast spinning spheroidal satellites in sunlight | 2007 | M. Tautz, S.T. Lai | Journal of Applied Physics, Vol 102, pp.024905-01 to -10 | |
Precision Hand Assembly of MEMS Subsystems Using DRIE-Patterned Deflection Spring Structures: An Example of an Out-of-Plane Substrate Assembly | 2007 | Velasquez-Garcia, L.F.; Akinwande, A.I.; Martinez-Sanchez, M. | Journal of Microelectrochemical Systems, Volume 16, Issue 3, 598 – 612 | |
Aspects of spacecraft charging in sunlight | 2006 | S.T. Lai, M. Tautz | IEEE. Trans. Plasma Sci., Vol 34, No.5, 2053 – 2061, doi: 10.1109/TPS.2006.883362 | |
Analytic models for a spherical satellite charging in sunlight at any spin | 2006 | M. Tautz, S.T. Lai | Annales Geophysicae, Vol 24, No.10, 2599-2610 | |
High-level spacecraft charging in eclipse at geosynchronous altitudes : A statistical study | 2006 | S.T. Lai, M. Tautz | Journal of Geophysical Research,Vol 111, A09201, doi:10.1029/2004JA010733 | |
Energy properties of an EMI-Im ionic liquid ion source | 2006 | P. Lozano | Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics Vol. 39 No. 1 126-134 | |
A Micro-Fabricated Linear Array of Electrospray Emitters for Thruster Applications | 2006 | Velasquez-Garcia, L.F.; Akinwande, A.I.; Martinez-Sanchez, M. | Journal of Microelectromechanical Systems V.15, no.5, 1260- 1271 | |
A Planar Array of Micro-Fabricated Electrospray Emitters for Thruster Applications | 2006 | Velasquez-Garcia, L.F.; Akinwande, A.I.; Martinez-Sanchez, M. | Journal of Microelectromechanical Systems V.15, no.5, 1272- 1280 | |
Ionic Liquid Ion Sources: Characterization of Externally Wetted Emitters | 2005 | Lozano, P., Martinez-Sanchez, M. | Journal of Colloid and Interface Science Vol. 282 415-421 | |
On the dynamic response of externally wetted ionic liquid ion sources | 2005 | Lozano, P., Martinez-Sanchez, M. | Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics Vol. 38 No. 14 2371-2377 | |
Mass spectrometric analysis of colloid thruster ion emission from selected propellants | 2005 | Chiu, Y., Levandier, B., Austin, R., Dressler, R., Murray, P.T., Lozano, P. and Martinez-Sanchez, M. | Journal of Propulsion and Power Vol. 21 No. 3 416-423 | |
Modeling the charging of geosynchronous and interplanetary spacecraft using Nascap-2K | 2005 | Mandell, M.J., D.L. Cooke, V.A. Davis, G.A. Jongeward, B.M. Gardner, R.A. Hilmer, K.P. Ray, S.T. Lai, and L.H. Krause | Advances in Space Research, Vol 36, pp.2511-2515 | |
Analytic models for a rapidly spinning spherical satellite charging in sunlight | 2005 | M. Tautz, S.T. Lai | Journal of Geophysical Research, Vol 110, A07, 220-229, doi: 10.1029 / 2004JA010787 | |
Charging of mirrors in space | 2005 | S.T. Lai | Journal of Geophysical Research, Vol 110, A01204, doi:10.1029/2002JA009447 | |
Electrospray emission from nonwetting flat dielectric surfaces | 2004 | Lozano, P., Martinez-Sanchez, M. | Journal of Colloid and Interface Science Vol. 276 392-399 | |
Ionic Liquid Ion Sources: Suppression of electrochemical reactions using voltage alternation | 2004 | Lozano, P., Martinez-Sanchez, M. | Journal of Colloid and Interface Science Vol. 280 149-154 | |