Dulani Chamika Withanage

Dulani Chamika Withanage


chami877 ‘at’ mit.edu

Degrees Pursued: PhD and MSc (Kyushu Institute of Technology), BSc (Asian Institute of Technology)

Research Interests: Space systems engineering, guidance & control


Dulani is a postdoctoral associate in Space Propulsion Laboratory. She received her PhD in Electrical and Space Systems Engineering from Kyushu Institute of Technology (Kyutech), Japan. She received her MSc also from the same university. She received her BSc in Mechatronics engineering from Asian Institute of Technology, Thailand.   During her PhD and MSc, she worked on BIRDS-3 cube satellite project (constellation of three 1U cube satellites) and KITSUNE satellite project led by Kyutech, Japan.  BIRDS-3 and KITSUNE were successful in orbit.  Her main research areas were attitude determination and control systems and on-orbit magnetometer data calibration.  She operated BIRDS-3 satellites and KITSUNE satellite from the ground station at Kyutech, Japan after deploying those satellites into the orbit from International Space Station.